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Most up-to-date × Most accurate location?

We would like to tell you a little more about how the display of the watch's location works in our application. You can learn about all the location acquisition methods, such as GPS , BTS and Wi-Fi , by clicking on their articles, where we describe in detail how exactly they work.

As parents ourselves, we understand that you want to be sure that your children are safe even when you are not with them. But there may be situations when it is not possible to display the exact position of the watch at the current moment. And precisely in these situations where we only have an approximate location, we offer in our Findee Kids mobile application the option to choose to display the most current or most accurate location.

How does it all work? Well, it's a bit like magic, but we'll explain. But before we get down to it, let's briefly review what location acquisition options we have and how they work. Our watch uses a combination of GPS , Wi-Fi and BTS transmitters to let you know exactly where your child is.

  • GPS is like a constant satellite watchdog (but in a good way), keeping an eye on your kids and telling you their location to within two meters when the signal is available (typically in larger cities and open spaces).
  • When the GPS is a bit off (in buildings, for example), it jumps to the backup of Wi-Fi localization, which is our little detective in cafes and shopping centers, thanks to which we have an accurate position to within ten meters.
  • And if they both happen to be free, there's BTS location for you - our safety net that covers a wider area but still gives you an idea of ​​where your child might be roaming.

But how does it all look in practice? Imagine that you are at work and you want to make sure that your child has not run away from school, arrived at the club or you just want to know what they are doing. Just a few clicks in our application and you immediately know that it is safely on the playground or at a friend's house. What's more, you can send a voice message or call when you want to chat with him or just lure him home for dinner :)

We know that technology is not perfect, and sometimes it happens that the watch is not able to pick up a signal, or not all location sources are available. But don't worry, we can work with that too!

Our app will always show you the last known exact location, which may be older, but you will know exactly when and where the child was. The approximate location shown by the circle on the map is then the most current available location .

What follows from this? With our watch, you can have peace of mind that your children are safe and at the same time give them a bit of that precious freedom . We are here for you to take care of the technical side of things. So, whenever you have a question, don't hesitate to contact us at or via our social networks.

With love for your little adventurers and you, their super parents, from your Findee Kids team. We look forward to all your questions, stories and feedback. Together we make the world a safer place for our children and a more peaceful place for us parents.

Final tip: If you request a location in Findee Kids and it shows you an approximate location, try again right away and you may get an exact location. It really depends on where the watch is, what position it is in, and that can be different every moment. Children are always on the move.

*The calling feature is currently in the testing phase, and will be available to all users during the spring of 2024. We will announce its launch in advance on our social networks, so do not forget to follow them.

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